On June 6th, NxtUp94, the young workers’ committee of IBEW Local 94, donated $8,000 worth of food to Rise Food Pantry, which is located next door to Local 94 headquarters in Hightstown, NJ. This was NxtUp94’s Seventh Annual Food Drive.
With food insecurity on the rise, due to the massive impact of Covid-19 on our local community, this year’s food drive was all the more urgent. Special recognition must go out to each member of the young workers’ committee, led by Joe Checkley and Adam Neuman. We have all been effected by this pandemic, especially here in New Jersey, and these young workers sacrificed their time and well being to help our community, while being in the midst of crisis themselves. These selfless acts do not go unnoticed, and we are proud of our young workers, honorably leading the way for the next generation of Local 94.
Leslie Koppel, Freeholder and Executive Director of Rise Community Services, said she was pleasantly surprised to hear that NxtUp94 would be running their Annual Food Drive. These contributions will greatly benefit local households, especially during this unprecedented time when donations are also seasonally at their lowest. She noted the donations will help feed 125 families per week, for two whole months.
It was only 8 years ago, this committee was established for the purpose of inspiring the next generation of IBEW members to become active in their local union. Their contributions to the community, local union, and organized labor over the last 8 years have truly been impressive. What they did this year, in the middle of a Health Crisis, to think of people less fortunate than themselves, has to be one of the most selfless acts a person can make. We are very fortunate to have them representing our Local Union and the IBEW.