Today, we thank all who served for your courage, dedication, and hard work. And thanks to the military families for their support, resilience, and sacrifice.
On behalf of the Staff, Officers, and members of Local 94, we wish Buddy a long, happy, and healthy retirement. After 41 plus years of service and dedication to IBEW Local 94 and its members, [...]
IBEW Local 94 Members ratify a 2 year Contract Extension with PSEG… Congratulations! YES - 1520 NO - 731 VOID - 3
After various meetings, the Company has reached its best and final offer for a contract extension with PSEG, including a wage increase and additional time off for employees to comply with the NJ Earned Sick [...]
Because the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic still threatens the health and safety of New Jerseyans, Gov. Phil Murphy on Aug. 14 issued an executive order that makes Election 2020 a mostly vote-by-mail (VBM) event in the [...]
It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing of one of our members, Jody Terwilliger. Brother Terwilliger was employed with Nelson Tree Service, performing storm work at Jersey Central Power [...]
The Trump administration's National Labor Relations Board is designed to rule against union brothers and sisters and working people in general. The NLRB is stacked with members who have no experience with labor organizations. [...]
Join AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, AFSCME President Lee Saunders, AFT - American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, IBEW International Office President Lonnie Stephenson, UNITE HERE! President D. Taylor and International Union of Bricklayers and [...]