President/Business Manager’s Report
We have been in discussions with CAMS/Arclight, who are the buyers of the Fossil fleet. We have a signed letter of agreement with CAMS, which satisfies our concerns on the level of benefits. There are some differences such as vendors, but we are comfortable with the overall package. Offer letters have been distributed, and there is still no timeframe for when the closing may occur, its now in the hands of FERC. As soon as we get anything definitive, we will get that out to all of you.
As far as the Vaccine mandate, we have been in bargaining sessions with PSE&G and continue to exchange proposals and counter proposals, in preparations for an outcome of the litigation. As this changes we will communicate.
We have also moved forward with the Self-insured process for our non-PSEG contracts for our Health and Welfare fund. Letters will be sent out informing members of the upcoming changes and re-enrollment instructions. This will be administered through IE Shaffer effective 1-12022.
Finally, I’d like to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season.

Distribution North, Transmission, FMC Report
Have a Happy Holiday and a healthy New Year! As always, as Metro has proven, keep an eye on each other and watch each other’s backs.

Distribution South, Central Report
I would like to wish everyone a happy Holiday season, whatever holiday you and your family celebrate I hope it brings you some joy. For all of you who celebrate Christmas as I do, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Gas Department Message
The new JCB mini excavators are slowly being rolled out in Gas. No update on the Kabotas with the retrofit enclosure on the electric side. The Harrison Garage and welder agreement is finalized and signed. Those agreements will be shared in the locations.
Driving Team Update: The “Driving is Working” campaign is up and running in all gas locations. The Driving team selected some recognition which is slated to be given to members in each location who participate in the survey for 4 consecutive weeks via a raffle.
Everyone have a Happy Holiday and Safe New Year.

Line Clearance Message
In Nelson Tree, we had a member terminated for no-call-no-show for 3 day’s.
In Asplundh Tree, we had a member terminated for breaking min approach around wires he was working 13kv and 26kv circuit he waited 10 day’s to let us know he wanted to file a grievance. We only have 5 day’s to file a grievance.
If you are owed any money for meal’s or hour’s worked let me know ASAP.
I would like to wish every body and their family’s a safe and Happy Holiday.

Fossil News
We met with LTS to discuss the go forward plan with the Lab after the closing of the Fossil sale which will impact numerous groups. The management team expressed their desire to shift individuals to the current openings in the groups that are not impacted by the loss of the Fossil work. We shared our position as to how that process has been facilitated in the past. We are awaiting a second meeting to hear what they propose.
For Linden Cogen we were able to come to agreement to settle the open items with the payment of double time, the compensation for an employee sent home early, and the calculation of the incentive bonus.
The Dinner Dance at Tropicana was a great time. The event was well attended with nearly 200 people on hand. We will have the pictures loaded onto our website shortly for all to see. We were able to agree upon terms in a letter of agreement with CAMS that recognizes Local 94 as the exclusive bargaining agent for the membership and has CAMS recognize our contract. This has been a lengthy process to say the least and everyone’s patience has not gone unnoticed. The offer letters for the Fossil members transitioning to CAMS employees went out this past Monday with a return date of Friday December 10th . The welcome packets include mostly administrative information so CAMS can load all of our information into their systems. The closing would seem to be postponed for further review by the FERC.
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Nuclear Report
Salem /Hope Creek Update
• Hiring is starting to open in a lot of job specs: I&C, RP, Maint, Planning…If members have bid positions and feel they didn’t get an offer bubble the info up. There are a lot of
moving pieces.
• Pay and time off. Sick or Covid. If members are bringing up pay issues get a copy of your paystub and
the dates affected to a steward or directly to me.
Looking Back at 2021 we’ve had a lot of retirements from Nuclear. I’d like to start by saying congratulations to everyone who retired and wish them a long and healthy retirement. With the holiday season is upon us, we all must remain focused on the job at hand and remember to look out for our Brothers and Sisters! I want to wish everyone Happy Holiday’s, Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Healthy New Year.